1st Grade Jump Start » 1st Grade Jump Start - Reading: Week 2

1st Grade Jump Start - Reading: Week 2

book cover


Week 2 - Day 1

  • Read Small and Mighty Mammals
  • What is the genre of this text? Is it fiction or nonfiction? How do you know?
  • What is this text mostly about? What are some of the key details you learned? Discuss with your family.
  • Practice your sight words at home or play this fun game Sight Word Match
  • Read any book of choice for 20 minutes.


Week 2 - Day 2

  • Do you think the author was trying to inform you about mammals or entertain you by telling you a story about mammals?  Why do you think this?  Talk to an adult and explain your thinking.
  • Practice your sight words at home or play this fun game Sight Word Smash! 
  • Read any book of choice for 20 minutes.


Week 2 - Day 3

  • Talk to an adult and explain what you liked (or disliked) about this book and why.  Be sure to give several reasons to support your thinking.
  • After reading this text, what questions do you still have? Write down 2 questions you still have about mammals. Research them online to find the answers. Share your findings with family and friends!
  • Practice your sight words at home or play this fun game Sight Word Popcorn!
  • Read any book of choice for 20 minutes.


Week 2 - Day 4

  • Think of 2 of the mammals from the text. What similarities and differences do they have? Write down your thinking in your journal.
  • Practice your sight words at home or play this fun game Sight Word Match
  • Read any book of choice for 20 minutes.


Week 2 - Day 5

  • Check for understanding
  1. What special talent does a raccoon have?
  2. How fast can a beaver chew through an eight foot tree?
  3. How does an armadillo protect itself?
  4. How many mosquitoes can a bat eat in an hour?