2nd Grade Jump Start » 2nd Grade Jump Start - Reading: Week 4

2nd Grade Jump Start - Reading: Week 4

Girl with glasses standing on picture of Earth


Week 4 - Day 1


Week 4 - Day 2

  • Listen to the story Katie Woo: Boss of the World! Again.
  • Identify and discuss the different story elements in this book. Who were the characters? What is the setting of the story? What is the problem? What is the solution?
  • What are some descriptive words you could use to describe Katie Woo? Write down your ideas in your journal.
  • Readers want to read more and more! Can you increase your reading stamina today? Read any book of choice for 21 minutes.
  • Do you like fun games? Play Funny Fill-In (Mad Libs) , Reading & Word Games- ABCYA, or practice sight words with  Sight Word Smash! Or Sight Word Popcorn!


Week 4 - Day 3

  • Today, open the book  Katie Woo: Boss of the World! Turn off the sound. Practice reading the text on your own!
  • Readers often compare and contrast a character to themself. How is Katie Woo similar to you? How is she different? Write down your thinking in your journal.
  • As readers, we often have to make inferences about how a character, or characters, are feeling. We can make these inferences by using what we already know in our schema, and clues in the text.
    • Take a look at these two PAGES from the story. How do you infer Jojo and Pedro are feeling? What clues make you think that? Discuss with your family.
  • Read any book of choice for 21 minutes.


Week 4 - Day 4

  • Think about the main character, Katie Woo. How does she change in the story from the beginning to the end? What makes her change?
  • What could we as readers learn from this story? Discuss with your family or write about it in your journal.
  • Readers want to read more and more! Can you increase your reading stamina today? Read any book of choice for 22 minutes.
  • Do you like fun games? Play Funny Fill-In (Mad Libs) , Reading & Word Games- ABCYA, or practice sight words with  Sight Word Smash! Or Sight Word Popcorn!


Week 4 - Day 5


  1. Where did Katie and her friends go?
  2. Were Jojo and Pedro having fun with Katie? How do you know?
  3. What happened when Katie, JoJo and Pedro watched the clouds?
  4. What did Katie learn about being bossy?
  5. What happened when Katie, JoJo and Pedro went to the playground?

  • Read any book of choice for 22 minutes.
  • Challenge! Fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary words! 
  • The Katie Woo book series has many books written by Fran Manushkin. Listen to another Katie Woo book by Clicking here!