3rd Grade Jump Start » 3rd Grade Jump Start - Reading: Week 1

3rd Grade Jump Start - Reading: Week 1

Boy reading a book


Week 1 - Day 1

  • Start an August journal today where you will include all your written work from this month! This could be on Google Docs, in a spiral notebook or just some lined paper. 
  • Read the text Zebra and Wasp
  • What genre is this text? How do you know?
  • Readers have questions before, during and after reading. List any questions you may have.  After reading the text, retell the story to a family member. Be sure to include all of the important parts of the text in the order in which they happened.
  • Read for 25 minutes. Any book of choice.


Week 1 - Day 2

  • Read the fable  Zebra and Wasp again.
  • What point of view is this fable told from? *First Person  (character in the story) or *Third Person (narrator or outsider)?
  • In the fable, Zebra and Wasp help each other. Do you think this makes them friends? Why or why not? Discuss with your family or write your response in your journal.
  • Read for 25 minutes. Any book of choice.


Week 1 - Day 3

  • The following is an excerpt from the text.

  • Zebra laughed. “I’m fast and strong. No spider can trap me in its web! Besides, I have a whole herd of friends. Why would I need help from a little wasp?”

  • What type of character is Zebra? What type of character is Wasp? What words, or character traits could you give to describe each character? Can you find evidence from the text to support your answers?
  • Readers often visualize as they read to help them better understand a story. Draw a picture of the setting of your book. Explain how this visualization helps you as a reader.
  • Read for 25 minutes. Any book of choice.


Week 1 - Day 4

  • In the fable, Zebra helps Wasp after she says she will “return the favor.” Do you think we should only help people who might help us one day? Why or why not? Why should we help other people? Discuss with your family or write your response in your journal.
  • Listen and watch the fable Lion and the Mouse. Write in your journal ways in which both fables are similar, and ways in which they are different.
  • Read for 25 minutes. Any book of choice.


Week 1 - Day 5

Quick Check!

  1. How does Wasp help Zebra?
  2. What do you think the author is trying to teach you from this text? What could the lesson or moral be (Theme)?
  3. What does Zebra do when Wasp promises to “return the favor” in paragraph 4?
  4. Why is it important to the story that Zebra frees Wasp from the spider web?
  5. Read the following line from the text- “Ouch!” wailed Zebra. He jerked his head back. “If I save you, I’ll hurt myself.” What does the word wailed mean in this sentence?