3rd Grade Jump Start » 3rd Grade Jump Start - Reading: Week 3

3rd Grade Jump Start - Reading: Week 3

Boy reading a book


Week 3 - Day 1

  • Read The Champion of Quiet
  • What genre is this text? How do you know?
  • Readers have questions before, during and after reading. List any questions you may have.  
  • After reading the text, retell the story to a family member. Be sure to include all of the important parts of the text in the order in which they happened.
  • Read for 25 minutes. Any book of choice.


Week 3 - Day 2

  • Read this excerpt from the text. Think about how Maggie is feeling at this moment. How do you know? What evidence from the text helps you know? Write down your thinking in your journal.

Mr. Murphy asked, “Anyone else want to volunteer today?” Maggie felt her hand slowly rise. She looked again at Jasmine and took a big breath. Maybe it was time for the Champion of Quiet to use her voice. “Maggie?” Mr. Murphy smiled. “You want a turn?”

  • What kind of character is Maggie? Think of words, or traits, that describe her? Can you find evidence from the text to support your thinking?
  • Read for 25 minutes. Any book of choice.


Week 3 - Day 3

  • The Theme or Lesson of this story is the following: 
    • Taking a chance and being brave can lead to making new friends. What does this mean to you? Have you ever had a time when you’ve taken a risk, or a chance, on doing or trying something new?
  • What point of view is this story told from? *First Person (character in the story) or *Third Person (narrator or outsider)?
  • Read for 25 minutes. Any book of choice.


Week 3 - Day 4

  • What does it mean that Maggie feels “blue” in paragraph 10? Write down your thinking in your journal. 
  • What motivated Maggie to choose her teammates? Write down your thinking in your journal.
  • Read for 25 minutes. Any book of choice.


Week 3 - Day 5

Quick Check!

  1. When was Maggie always picked? How did she feel about it?
  2. Maggie gave herself a title in this story. What was she the champion of? Why did she give herself that name?
  3. Why are the other students surprised that Maggie wants to be a team captain?
  4. Why is it important to the story that Maggie decides to speak up and volunteer to be a team captain?
  5. How did Maggie’s team play during the basketball game?

  • Read for 25 minutes. Any book of choice.
  • Want to draw your own championship trophy? Click here!