3rd Grade Jump Start » 3rd Grade Jump Start - Writing: Week 3

3rd Grade Jump Start - Writing: Week 3

Female student writing at desk

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 3 - Day 1

  • The following 5 vocabulary words are in this text. Discuss and research what each word means and what part of speech the word is. Then, write a sentence using each word. Be sure to include a capital letter and ending punctuation, in addition to neat printing! 

  • Sighed
  • Snickered
  • Indeed
  • Chorus
  • Tardy

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 3 - Day 2

  • In this short story, Maggie and her teammates have fun playing basketball, even though they lose. Why does this make them happy? Write about a time when you had fun just being yourself.

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 3 - Day 3

  • Maggie names herself The CHAMPION OF QUIET. What name would you give yourself? What are you a champion of? Write down your thinking in your journal.

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 3 - Day 4

  • What do you need to do in order to be a champion at something? Using this How to be a Champion! Template, write down your steps!

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 3 - Day 5