5th Grade Jump Start » 5th Grade Jump Start - Reading: Week 4

5th Grade Jump Start - Reading: Week 4

Student reading a book


Week 4 - Day 1

  • Read Standing Out in the Herd. While you are reading, you are going to come across headings. Headings tell the reader what the section is going to be about. When you read today, make a prediction on what the section is going to be about based on the heading.
  • Make sure to utilize the footnotes to help you with some of the lesser known words that are used by the author.
  • What genre is the text? How do you know?
  • Read 30 minutes independently from a book of your choice.


Week 4 - Day 2

  • Reread Standing Out in the Herd. While reading, think about the relationship that exists between Toro and the rest of the herd. 
  • When done reading, write down the type of relationship that Toro and the herd have in your journal. Support your opinion with multiple pieces of evidence from the text. 
  • Read 30 minutes independently from a book of your choice


Week 4 - Day 3

  • The following is an excerpt from the text:

Toro has benefited from living with the cattle, but his presence is good for them too. In hot weather, cattle rest in the share under his belly. And because of his height, Toro can spot lions, hyenas and other predators long before they come close to the herd. 

  • The author mentions ways that the cattle benefit from having Toro in their herd. What are some ways that Toro benefits from being in the herd? How has being with them helped him? 
  • Do some research and see if there are other animals that have relationships where they BOTH benefit in different ways from the other being around. Write about them in your journal. 
  • Read 30 minutes independently from a book of your choice.


Week 4 - Day 4

  • In the text, the author tells the reader that Toro will never be returned to the wild because it would be difficult for him to survive without his new herd. What do you think the author means by this? How does the herd help him? Can you give some specific examples from both the text and your own thinking?
  • Read 30 minutes independently from a book of your choice.


Week 4 - Day 5

  • Watch the following video on main idea: What is a main idea?
  • Reread Standing Out in the Herd. When done, determine the main idea of the article (the key information that the author wants you to know - remember, don’t get hung up on the small details!). 
  • Once you have determined the main idea, go back into the text and find text evidence that supports the main idea that you came up with. 
  • Read 30 minutes independently from a book of your choice.