Educational Services Department » Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant

Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant

Earlier this spring, the California Legislature approved the Assembly Bill 86 COVID-19 relief package, which was subsequently signed into law by Governor Newsom on March 5, 2021.  The Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grant was one component of AB 86 that provides $4.6 billion to be used by school districts to:


  • Extend instructional learning time
  • Accelerate progress to close learning gaps
  • Integrate pupil supports
  • Create community learning hubs
  • Provide supports for credit-deficient pupils
  • Provide additional academic services
  • Provide training for school staff


School districts were required to develop ELO Grant Plans to be approved by the Local School Board before June 1, 2021.  Districts are also required to engage stakeholders in the ELO Grant development process.  FVSD leveraged meetings with the District’s LCAP Leadership Team, Collective Bargaining Units, and information gathered through the 2021 LCAP Input Survey (over 1,100 responses) to meet the stakeholder engagement requirement.


Highlights of  FVSD plans to utilize Expanded Learning Opportunity Grant funding include:

  • Provide Intervention Summer School for students in Kindergarten through 7th grade in Summer 2021 and Summer 2022
  • Provide an additional professional development day for certificated and classified staff before the 2021-22 school year.
  • Provide additional academic support personnel focused on ELA and Math at the elementary level and additional sections dedicated to ELA and Math support in middle school master schedules during the 2021-22 school year.
  • Provide a Social Emotional Learning Screener for all students, develop Elementary and Middle School SEL curriculum, utilize behavioral aides to provide support in primary grade classrooms, and develop a mental health plan for FVSD.
A copy of the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan, which was submitted to the Orange County Department of Education on May 21, 2021, is provided below: