Measure O

We are very excited that our community supported the passage of Measure O.  Thank you to everyone who participated in our facilities journey!  From here, the work falls into two distinct paths: finances, and facilities. 

In facilities, we welcomed our architects, Rachlin Partners, Inc., and contractor, West Coast Air Conditioning Co., Inc., to the Fountain Valley family.  We have received plan approval from the Division of State Architects (DSA) for Masuda and Courreges and will start work at these schools in June 2018.  While construction occurs at our first two schools, the team will begin designing the next three, Cox, Fulton, and Tamura, with construction expected to start in the summer of 2019. 

In addition to the facilities work, we completed the first sale of $21,000,000 in bonds in June 2017.  

We encourage you to check the District website for updated information throughout this process.

For more specific information regarding each step of FVSD's facilities journey, visit the Facilities Updates Page.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Christine Fullerton, Assistant Superintendent, Business [email protected]

FVSD Facilities Master Plan

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