2nd Grade Jump Start » 2nd Grade Jump Start - Reading: Week 1

2nd Grade Jump Start - Reading: Week 1

Book Cover - Boy on Diving Board


Week 1 - Day 1


Week 1 - Day 2

  • Listen to the story Jabari Jumps again. 
  • Identify and discuss the different story elements in this book. Who were the characters? What is the setting of the story? What is the problem? What is the solution?
  • What are some descriptive words you could use to describe Jabari? Write down your ideas in your journal.
  • Readers want to read more and more! Can you increase your reading stamina today? Read any book of choice for 16 minutes.
  • Do you like fun games? Play Funny Fill-In (Mad Libs) , Reading & Word Games- ABCYA, or practice sight words with  Sight Word Smash! Or Sight Word Popcorn!


Week 1 - Day 3


Week 1 - Day 4

  • Think about the main character, Jabari. How does he change in the story from the beginning to the end? What makes him change?
  • The author uses many verbs in this story to help you visualize what is happening. Can you think of 5 verbs and list them in your journal? Try acting them out with family!
  • Readers want to read more and more! Can you increase your reading stamina today? Read any book of choice for 17 minutes.
  • Do you like fun games? Play Funny Fill-In (Mad Libs) , Reading & Word Games- ABCYA, or practice sight words with  Sight Word Smash! Or Sight Word Popcorn!


Week 1 - Day 5


  1. Who did Jabari go to the pool with?
  2. Why do you think Jabari and his dad squeeze eachother’s hands?
  3. What made Jabari feel he was finally ready to jump off the diving board?
  4. Does it look like all the children at the pool are having fun? Why or why not?
  5. Why did Jabari let the other kids in line go ahead of him?
  • Jabari sets a goal and accomplishes it. Think of a goal you would like to accomplish. Talk about your goal with your family!
  • Read any book of choice for 17 minutes.
  • Challenge! Can you add in the missing punctuation? Click here!