2nd Grade Jump Start » 2nd Grade Jump Start - Writing: Week 4

2nd Grade Jump Start - Writing: Week 4

Student writing at desk

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 4 - Day 1

  • The following 4 vocabulary words are in this text, Katie Woo. Discuss and research what each word means. Then, write a sentence using each word. Be sure to include a capital letter and ending punctuation, in addition to neat printing! 

  • Castle
  • Insisted
  • Itchy
  • Selfish

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 4 - Day 2

  • What makes someone a good friend? Make a list of 5 ways YOU are a good friend to others. If you need some ideas, click here for some ideas!

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 4 - Day 3

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 4 - Day 4

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 4 - Day 5

  • Write a narrative story about a time you have done something fun with friends. Include strong and vivid details as you write. Please encourage your child to write sentences using capitals, correct spacing, punctuation, and neat printing. If needed, click and print this Lined Paper.