3rd Grade Jump Start » 3rd Grade Jump Start - Writing: Week 4

3rd Grade Jump Start - Writing: Week 4

Female student writing at desk

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 4 - Day 1

  • Make a list of facts or new information you learned from reading about spacewalks. Write down your facts in your journal. If needed, you may print this Blank Lined Paper,

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 4 - Day 2

  • Using your new facts you learned about spacewalks, write an informative paragraph using that information. Use this Informative Template to help you or Blank Lined Paper. Be sure to include a topic sentence, three-five details, and a concluding sentence. *Please encourage your child to write sentences using capitals, correct spacing, punctuation, and neat printing.

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 4 - Day 3

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 4 - Day 4

  • Traveling to space would be so exciting! In your opinion, do you agree, or disagree with this statement? Why?  If a planning template helps you, please use this Opinion Writing Planning Template to help write a response in your journal. Talk about it with your family. Please encourage your child to write sentences using capitals, correct spacing, punctuation, and neat printing.
  • Match causes with effects
  • Read realistic fiction: set 1

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 4 - Day 5

  • The text states, 
    • When astronauts go on spacewalks, they wear spacesuits to keep themselves safe. Inside spacesuits, astronauts have the oxygen they need to breathe. They have the water they need to drink. 
  • Do some additional research on spacesuits. What do they look like? Are you able to draw a spacesuit and label all of the parts to create a diagram?