3rd Grade Jump Start » 3rd Grade Jump Start - Writing: Week 2

3rd Grade Jump Start - Writing: Week 2

Female student writing at desk

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 2 - Day 1

  • The following 5 vocabulary words are in this text. Discuss and research what each word means and what part of speech the word is. Then, write a sentence using each word. Be sure to include a capital letter and ending punctuation, in addition to neat printing! 

  • roam
  • adopt
  • shelter
  • flyer
  • surprise

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 2 - Day 2

  • How do you think reading together positively affected both Ben and Max? How did this contribute to their friendship? Do you have an animal that you have a special friendship with? If so, describe it.

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 2 - Day 3

  • In the short story, Ben improves in his reading. How did Max contribute to this? What other ways do you think animals could help kids learn? Write down your thinking in your journal.

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 2 - Day 4

  • Do you have any pets at home or something that you take care of? Do you give your pets a bath or feed them? Using this How to Template, write down the steps you take to complete a task!

Writing, Phonics, and Vocabulary

Week 2 - Day 5