4th Grade Jump Start » 4th Grade Jump Start - Reading: Week 3

4th Grade Jump Start - Reading: Week 3

Boy reading a book


Week 3 - Day 1

  • Read Trail into Darkness. When done, decide what genre the text is. How do you know? Use specific examples from the text. 
  • The author, Brad Robie, uses italics throughout the text for multiple reasons. In your journal, jot down some of the reasons he uses italics and give an example from the text too. 
  • Read 30 minutes independently from a book of your choice


Week 3 - Day 2

  • Reread Trail into Darkness. Yesterday, you determined the genre of the text. It is a fiction piece of text. Today, you are going to be more specific with your opinion. Is it realistic fiction or fantasy? Be sure to again support your ideas with examples from the text. 
  • Watch this video on narrative point of view.
  • After watching the video, decide if Trail into Darkness is told in 1st or 3rd person point of view. How do you know? What are some of the key-words that helped you figure it out?
  • Read 30 minutes independently from a book of your choice


Week 3 - Day 3

  • One thing that an author does to make a story interesting, is to show how a character is feeling. This allows the reader to create a movie in their mind while they are reading. While reading Trail into Darkness, the reader realizes that Luke is feeling many things (fear, anxiety, sadness, nervous), but the author never uses those words. How did the author show Luke's emotions and feelings? Write down your ideas in your journal. Write down the emotions that Luke is feeling throughout the story and the text evidence (what the author wrote) that made you realize that emotion. 
  • Read 30 minutes independently from a book of your choice


Week 3 - Day 4

  • The following is an expert from the text:

I came to a junction where I could turn left or go straight, but both trails had purple markers. The path to the left looked familiar. But when I stepped over a log I thought I’d seen before, something told me I was going the wrong way. So I reversed my direction. My mind started to race. Soon it might be too dark to tell what color the markers were. And I couldn’t just follow my own footsteps because there were so many tracks from other hikers. 

  • What does the author mean when he says, “My mind started to race”? What does this show us about how Luke is feeling at the point of the story?
  • Read 30 minutes independently from a book of your choice


Week 3 - Day 5

    • Watch this video on theme.  
    • Reread Trail into Darkness. Think about the main theme of the text. Which of the following ideas describes the main theme of Trail into Darkness? (Remember, a theme is a universal idea that can be applied to many different situations.
  • Outdoor activities in the snow are too dangerous for kids.
  • The beauty of nature can often be distracting.
  • It’s important to stay calm in an emergency situation.
  • Now that you have decided on the theme of the story, go back and find one piece of text evidence that helps support the theme that you picked. 
  • Read 30 minutes independently from a book of your choice.