4th Grade Jump Start » 4th Grade Jump Start - Reading: Week 2

4th Grade Jump Start - Reading: Week 2

Boy reading a book


Week 2 - Day 1

  • Read Our Creek. While reading, pay attention to the footnotes to help you understand any words that may be unfamiliar to you as a reader. 
  • When done, determine what genre the text is? How do you know? Use some specific examples from the text to support your ideas. 
  • Also, decide what the topic/subject of the text is. That is going to be the “thing” that you read about. It is normally 1-2 words. 
  • Read 30 minutes independently from a book of your choice.


Week 2 - Day 2

    • Reread Our Creek. While reading the second time, pay attention to the headings and the subheadings. Writers use them to let the reader know what that next section is going to be about. When you come to a heading or subheading (a heading under a heading), pause and think about what that part of the text will be about. Then, continue reading and see if what your thoughts matched what you read. 
    • Answer the following question in your journal. Make sure to go back and look in the text if you are unsure of the answer:
  • According to the text, what are some causes of pollution in streams?
  • Humans’ overuse of the water from the stream for different reasons.
  • Certain chemicals and trash released by humans.
  • Too many creatures and plants living in the stream.
  • The different chemicals used to test the health of the stream.
  • Read 30 minutes independently from a book of your choice.


Week 2 - Day 3

    • Reread Our Creek. While reading, keep these two questions in mind:
  • What needs the creek in order to survive?
  • What does the creek need in order to survive/stay healthy?
  • In nature, many living things/nonliving things are dependent on one another for survival. For example, plants need soil for their roots to grow in and fish need a stream to live in. When you finish reading the text, answer the above questions in your journal. Use this response form to help you organize your thoughts, use text evidence to support your answer and to write a detailed and thorough answer. 
  • Read 30 minutes independently from a book of your choice.


Week 2 - Day 4

    • One way that readers can help determine the main idea of a piece of nonfiction text is to look at how it is organized or structured. Looking back at Our Creek, how is the text organized?
  • The authors list the harmful substances found in the stream and explain possible causes.
  • The authors explain the step-by-step process of testing the health of a stream and what is learned at Standing Stone Creek.
  • The authors detail how much humans’ overuse of water is impacting different animal and plant communities in the stream.
  • The authors provide recommendations for various tests that readers can try in their local stream. 
  • Write down this answer in your journal as it will help you tomorrow figure out the main idea of the text. 
  • Read 30 minutes independently from a book of your choice.


Week 2 - Day 5

    • Watch the following video on main idea: What is a main idea?
    • Reread Our Creek. When done, determine which of the following is the main idea of the article (the key information that the author wants you to know - remember, don’t get hung up on the small details!). 
  • Many creeks aren’t as healthy as the Standing Stone Creek because humans have polluted them. 
  • It’s important to know how clean the source of your water is because dirty water can make you sick.
  • You can determine how healthy a creek is by studying the area around it, the water, and the creatures. 
  • Once you have determined the main idea, challenge yourself to go back into the text and find text evidence that supports the main idea that you came up with. 
  • Read 30 minutes independently from a book of your choice.