Communications and Public Information Office » Be in the Know

Be in the Know

We are excited to introduce our latest communication initiative, "Be in the Know," designed to keep you informed about important updates, events, and news within our school district.
"Be in the Know" is a brand-new publication that we will be sending out periodically to ensure you are always up-to-date with the latest happenings in FVSD. Whether it's news about ways to extend teaching and learning at home, District events, curriculum updates, community outreach, or important announcements, you can count on "Be in the Know" to deliver the information directly to your inbox. 
Our aim with this publication is to enhance our communication with you, our valued community members and keep you engaged in our district's journey towards excellence. We believe that well-informed parents, guardians, and community members play a vital role in the success of our students, and "Be in the Know" is your gateway to staying informed. 
Thank you for being an essential part of our school district community. We look forward to keeping you informed and engaged through "Be in the Know."
Our most recent issue can be found here!