Welcome to Child Care and Preschool Programs

xtended School Program (ESP)
ESP is a before and after school enrichment program for TK-5th Grade, homework assistance & supplemental education element, as well as fine arts, physical fitness & recreation. We are open Monday-Friday after school until 6 pm. For more information, Click Here

Tuition-Based After-School Program:
  • TK-2nd $450/month and 3rd-5th $400/month
  • Before school (7 am-8:15 am): $180/month

To Join via the After School Childcare Grant (ELOP): Children designated a) ELL, English Language Learners; b) Homeless or foster youth, or c) Qualified through the FVSD Free & Reduced Lunch Program will receive a grant to cover the cost of ESP. To apply through the FVSD Free & Reduced Lunch Program: a) visit the FVSD Food Services Website for an online application, or b) complete a paper application (available online or from the school offices). https://www.fvsd.us/apps/pages/LunchApp
Child Development Center (CDC) Preschools
Open Monday-Friday, 7 am-5 pm
Courreges CDC, Oka CDC and Plavan CDC
  • 5 Full Days $950/month
  • More information and Interest List Click Here 
California State Preschool Program (CSPP)
Open Monday-Friday, two sessions are offered:  8:30 am-11:30 am & 12:30 pm-3:30 pm
Tamura CSPP
For more information and an application, Click Here
Learning Link
A FREE Fountain Valley School District-sponsored program for preschool children and their parents. Parents and their children (0-5 years) are invited to participate in interactive play and learning centers designed by preschool teachers to promote school readiness. For more information and dates, click here.

​Plavan, room ESP A, 9625 Warner Ave., Fountain Valley, CA 92708