New Students 2024-25 & 2025-26

Welcome to the Fountain Valley School District!

We are excited to announce that enrollment for new students for the 2024-2025 school year is still open.

Important Enrollment Dates for the 2025-2026 School Year

  • Kindergarten Welcome Event at each Elementary School Site: Thursday, February 20, 2025
  • New Student Enrollment Opens for the 2025-2026 School Year: Friday, February 21, 2025

If you are unsure about which school your child should attend, please refer to the School Locator .

Steps for New Student Enrollment

  1. Complete the initial online pre-enrollment process. This step is available year-round and requires internet access.
  2. Visit the school office in person to complete the final enrollment steps.

Grade-level assignments for new students are determined by birthdate. Non-resident students meeting the birthdate criteria will be accommodated based on available space.

For grade placement details, visit the Grade Placement Criteria page.

We look forward to welcoming your new student to our district!

Once you have determined your child's neighborhood school, click on the school name below for guidance on completing the enrollment process.

School Name Contact Information
Courreges Elementary School (714) 378-4280
Newland Elementary School (714) 378-4200
Cox Elementary School (714) 378-4240
Oka Elementary School (714) 378-4260
Fulton Middle School (714) 375-2816
Plavan Elementary School (714) 378-4230
Gisler Elementary School (714) 378-4210
Talbert Middle School (714) 378-4220
Masuda Middle School (714) 378-4250
Tamura Elementary School (714) 375-6226

If you are new to FVSD, click on the name of your student's school above and follow the enrollment instructions provided.



The information provided to Fountain Valley School District (FVSD) during the enrollment process will be used to determine that the student resides within the FVSD attendance boundaries, the school within those attendance boundaries to which the student will be assigned, and to identify unique educational programming services to which the student may be entitled. Information collected will be used for no other purpose, such as restricting or denying enrollment or treating a student differently in determining whether he or she satisfies any admission or enrollment criteria.



The online registration system is translated into Vietnamese, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, and Armenian. In the event your family needs assistance completing the enrollment process for any reason, please contact the Educational Services Department of Fountain Valley School District via phone at (714) 843-3200 or via email at [email protected]